Monday, August 28, 2017

Reading With Patrick by Michelle Kuo

 A poignant account of a dedicated creative teacher, and an inspired student working together in a prison setting.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

The Human Age by Diane Ackerman

As I read this book, I felt both anguish and awe. We have really damaged our beautiful planet but amazingly, there are many wonderfully creative people working hard to reverse this horrific damage. This book describes briefly problems but then highlights restorative projects being implemented around the world. Sweden is doing some amazing things to become sustainable in its economy and lifestyle. Government leadership and a major commitment by citizens to adopt a new ecological mindset have in a very brief time enabled this country to make enormous progress toward sustainability. Impressive. Some scientists are preserving the DNA of animals galloping toward extinction. Innovators are developing new ways to harvest energy created by body heat. One chapter discusses robots. Another discusses epigenetics. This book is informative and exciting to read.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Are We Smart Enough to Know How Smart Animals Are? by Frans de Waal

A dense, informative book about the emerging science of evolutionary cognition which recognizes that nonhuman animals are intelligent in ways that reflect their specific adaptation needs. Studying animals in the wild is not an easy task yet it is necessary for any comprehensive study of their behaviors and cognition. I have always loved animals but now I appreciate so much more their unique intelligences. Animals are truly remarkable. Thanks to all the dedicated scientists who make it their life's work to study and advocate for the many extraordinary creatures with whom we share our extraordinary world.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

The Golden Shore by David Helvarg

Important to read. Packed full of the history of our beautiful Pacific Coast and Ocean, its use and abuse and the battles fought to preserve the beauty so many Californians love. Recommended.